When in Chicago: Eat!

So much deliciousness crammed into one weekend! 

and about these mussels looking so gorgeously innocent....

celebrating our five year anniversary at Bistro Voltaire I encouraged Zade more than once to scoop up the buttery wine sauce into the shells of these delicacies. Another course down the road I looked down at my beautiful, silk dress to realize I'd enjoyed the sauce a little too much!  I am following in the footsteps of my grandma who always manages to walk away from a meal with a little to-go.

What are your favorite eats in Chicago?

Our Tattoo

"You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence
with eternal pleasures at your right hand" 
Psalm 16:11 

When I was young my family did a fair amount of hiking particularly on the Appalachian Trail. Arrows and paint blazes marked the trail. 

On our five year anniversary this past weekend Zade and I chose to be tattooed with an arrow on our feet, signifying how Christ has made known to us the true path of life and how we are walking this together. 

Tattoo by the charming Sean Adams at Speakeasy Custom Tattoo in Chicago.